How to get Leather in Minecraft

Minecraft is a game about gathering resources and surviving in a hostile world. There are many, many different resources you need to succeed in your survival world. One of the most important resources to have is leather, which is needed for shelves and enchanting tables. Here we will teach you how to get leather in Minecraft and how to make it.

What animals is leather obtained from?

The Minecraft game makes the world and the actions real, the leather can be obtained from animals, which are the ones that provide the leather in various pieces, everything will depend on the animal you kill to obtain the pieces of leather, this leather is ready to use or craft on the workbench, below we will give you the animals that you can get leather and with a certain number of pieces.

  • Cows: Cows are the most sought after for giving four pieces of leather upon death.
  • Horses: When the horse dies, they give you four pieces of leather.
  • Donkeys: The dying donkey gives you around two pieces of leather.
  • Llamas: When the llama dies it can give you up to two pieces of leather.

Steps to get Minecraft leather

To get leather in Minecraft you need to follow the following steps so that you can obtain your leather and save it in your inventory easily and simply. The steps are the following:

  • Let’s locate the animal from which we can get the leather.
  • We are going to wield our weapon which can be made of gold or even metal, but it can hurt and kill the animal instantly with several blows.
  • Once the animal dies, we are going to obtain the leather we need and store it in our inventory.



The first way to collect leather in Minecraft in large quantities is to loot the chests you find around the world. As you explore, you’ll discover tons and tons of naturally generating structures. This includes desert temples, underground dungeons, abandoned mineshafts, and much more. Inside these structures, you can find chests, which almost always contain a good amount of leather inside.

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I wouldn’t recommend making this your primary source of leather. That’s because it’s not that reliable to get a ton of it very quickly. You still have to explore the world to find them, and there is too much RNG involved for this to be a reliable source of these items. However, it is good to keep this method in mind when exploring underground mining minerals. It’s a good idea to loot leather from chests in addition to one of the other methods mentioned below.


A more reliable (but still RNG-based) way to get Minecraft leather is by fishing with a fishing rod! When fishing in Minecraft, in addition to getting fish, you also have a chance of getting “junk” items. These items include a bunch of different things, such as rope, bones, and yes, even leather! Leather has a fairly low chance of being picked up when fishing with an unenchanted rod.

Due to the low probability of this chance, I would not recommend doing this method manually if you are only looking for leather. If you want to make this a viable way to obtain leather (and other valuable goods)… You should create an AFK fish farm. This is a device you can configure that allows your character to automatically fish in the game while you are AFK. This is a great way to get leather passively, but you have to be AFK while you do it and you can’t do anything else in the game. You can avoid this problem by leaving your computer or console on the entire time. night (just make sure your device won’t hear you).


Piglins are a mob type found in abundance in the Neather. They are a race of pigmen who crave gold. They are generally hostile to the player, but if you approach them while wearing golden armor, they will be friendly to you and will not attack you. Once you have approached a piglin this way, you can now throw in a gold bar. This will cause the pigling to pick it up and examine it. After a few seconds, he will send you a random item to collect! These items can be one of many different things. You can get enchanted books, armor, crying obsidian, and most importantly, leather.

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Due to the RNG nature of this method, it is best to set up a pigling trading room to do lots and lots of barter deals at once. Having a setup where you can quickly trade with many different piglins will increase the amount of leather in Minecraft you draw (as well as many additional, more valuable items).


Throughout your Minecraft world, you’ll discover tons and tons of naturally generated villages built by a strange race of villagers. These villagers not only have a cosmetic function, but they can interact with them to trade with them! The currency they usually take is Emerald, but you can also trade regular items with them.

To do this method, you will first need to find a village that has spawned naturally. OR you convert a zombie villager into a regular villager instead. You can watch a tutorial for doing this (made by YouTuber Stein Plays) by clicking here. Next, find a leatherworker villager (or place a cauldron, which will cause a normal villager to convert into one). Interact with it to open its trading menu. Start trading with him and he will level up, unlocking even more trades!

You’ll want to continue this until leather appears as an option. Once you’ve done that, it should be pretty easy to get a good amount of leather with it. Normally they cost emeralds, which you can get easily if offered by another villager in exchange for something like wheat. You can set up a villager trading room to get many villagers to trade with at once!


Last but not least, the absolute best way to gather leather in Minecraft is by simply killing cows with a looting enchanted weapon. This is a fairly obvious and straightforward method of obtaining leather, as cows are a natural source. While killing cows with a regular weapon is okay, you can greatly increase the amount of stuff you get from them with an enchanted sword of plunder!

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To get a sword with Looting III (the highest level), you will need to craft shelves and an enchanting table. Place the enchantment table, then place a bunch of shelves around the table on all sides. Then take Lapiz and a regular book and place it inside the enchantment table by interacting with it. Select the level 3 option at the bottom and there is a chance you will get Looting III.

If you don’t get it, it doesn’t matter. Keep putting more books and selecting the level 3 option until you finally get it. Just keep in mind that it costs XP to enchant a book/weapon/tool. Finally, once you get Looting III, put it on a sword by placing it inside an anvil. Now all you have to do is find cows in the wild or set up a cow pen where you can breed, then kill them to get large amounts of leather. This is a very simple and straightforward way to get lots of leather quickly!

What is the leather used for?

Leather in Minecraft is a base crafting element with several uses that can be used to create your armor, which in total can reach 24 pieces of leather to formalize your armor with a helmet, vest, and pants; also; It is also used to create enchanted cabinets and tables, all those kinds of things that have leather in them so you can build the object from scratch that contains leather. Most people prefer to find items such as tables and bookshelves creatively, they do not use leather armor since it is weak against any attack from creatures or enemies.
